Monday, October 10, 2022

Live Large bumper sticker

From the Glorious Trash archives comes this vintage 1988 Gold Eagle bumper sticker, sporting the “Live Large” slogan the publisher used for Mack Bolan. This bumper sticker was included with the February 1988 letter I received from Gold Eagle – the one which led to another letter, from Phoenix Force author Gar Wilson

I thought some of you might appreciate seeing this; I meant to include it with the upload of the letter itself I posted a few years ago. Otherwise there’s no getting around that this is a filler post – things have gotten busy lately so I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to finally put up this photo of the bumper sticker…which is still in pristine condition, having been stored in that envelope for the past 34 years. 

 Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to Ebay… Just kidding.


Robert Deis (aka "SubtropicBob") said...

Nice treasure!

TLP said...

That is nice! I had it at one point in my collecting career, but it vanished in a house fire I suffered. Glad to see you're still keeping it in pristine condition.

Steve Johnson said...

That quote's from Executioner #4, Miami Massacre, if I remember. A Cuban freedom fighter (female and hot-blooded, natch) wished it for Bolan: "Love large, that you may live large, and hopefully, die large."

Yeah, I reread it a bunch of times. So?

TLP said...

MIAMI MASSACRE is a goodie.