Monday, August 12, 2024

Robert Lory R.I.P.

Some weeks back I was contacted by a person at a talent agency looking for contact information for Robert Lory – apparently someone was interested in purchasing the rights to one of Lory’s books. (Which book in particular I did not find out). The agency rep saw that I had interviewed Lory back in 2014 and could not find any contact info for him. I sent over the email address I had for Lory, noting that I had not heard from him since 2014. 

A few days later I received a response from the agency rep, stating that she had learned from “another blogger who interviewed him” that Robert Lory had passed away in February 2020. 

I have not found this information anywhere online, so whoever this other blogger was who learned of Lory’s death, he or she has not put the info on their blog…leading to the unintentional irony that this blog will be the one to break the unfortunate news. 

But man, Lory passed away over four years ago and no one even knew…that should be an indication of how under-the-radar men’s adventure and genre writers really are. It’s a shame, as I have enjoyed all of the novels I’ve read by Robert Lory, and think he was a fine writer deserving of a wider audience…and in fact this all has made me realize I need to get back to his Vigilante series.


Johny Malone said...

Apparently his Dracula behaved like an action hero, you should sink your teeth into him someday (pun intended!)

russell1200 said...

Some sources have is actual last name as Lore. But even with that angle, I am not finding anything.

Drew Salzen said...

Joe, I've cut and paste some of this and put it on the Vault Of Evil thread about Lory as there was nothing there about his passing. I've also added where it comes from. Hope that's ok.