Monday, August 19, 2024

Biker Cop: Hippie Terror Thrill-Kill Cult

Good news, everyone – a new book has been listed at Tocsin Press. It’s titled Biker Cop: Hippie Terror Thrill-Kill Cult, and it’s by Paul Russ. Here’s the cover:

Terry Shelter, the titular “Biker Cop,” is of course not to be confused with Terry Bunker, the Chopper Cop! And it goes without saying that “Paul Russ” is not to be confused with Paul Ross! 

Curiously though, the events of Dynamite Monster Boogie Concert are frequently referred to in Hippie Terror Thrill-Kill Cult… 

In this one the Biker Cop takes on a cult of hippies who are randomly gunning down people across California…that is, when they aren’t slaughtering rock stars in their own homes. Lots of sex, violence, and chopper-riding action ensues. 

If you like Chopper Cop, or ‘70s men’s adventure novels in general, chances are you’ll “groove” on Biker Cop: Hippie Terror Thrill-Kill Cult!

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